Transitional Housing to help survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence by establishing financial stability. Apartment rent and utilities paid by agency. 2 year program. Services: life skills training, budget planning, parenting classes, support groups. Requirements: drug and alcohol free, ability to work, minor children under 18 yo, fleeing domestic violence w/ documentation to support claims, abide by facility rules. Exclusions: income greater than 30% of AMI. Upon gaining employment, client encouraged to establish savings account. Application document online
Emergency Shelter for survivors of relationship violence and sexual assault. Services: advocacy, case management, crisis intervention, counseling, after-school program, play therapy, pet shelter, food, toiletries, transportation, medical, clothing assistance
Transitional Program. 2-year program for victims of domestic violence. Services: counseling, substance abuse recovery, vocational assistance, life skills development, spiritual nurturing, case management. Requirements: 20 hrs/wk of productive/volunteer hours. Online application
For victims of domestic violence. Emergency Shelter - 6-week stay. Food, clothing, counseling provided. Must attend weekly individual and group therapy. Children may attend on-site alternative Genesis School. Annie's House (Transitional Living Program) - Must complete Emergency shelter program. Up to 18 families live rent free for up to 1 year. Services: counseling, legal assistance, parenting classes.
Emergency Shelter for victims of domestic violence & sexual assault. Services: counseling, BIPP, advocacy, anger management classes, and survivors support.
Emergency Shelter - 5 BDR home that houses up to 21 families. 90-day stay. Services: food, clothing, counseling, educational services, case management, legal advocacy, referrals. Avenue Hope (Rapid Rehousing Program) - Must transfer from emergency shelter. 12-months of rental assistance along with case management and life skills workshops.
Emergency Shelter for victims of domestic violence. 2 locations in Arlington and Ft. Worth. Services: counseling, outreach, legal services, reformation, prevention. Transitional Housing - Limited time subsidized housing options and permanent housing for chronically homeless survivors with disability.
Emergency Shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. 30 day program. Services: Advocacy, therapy, safety planning, legal aid, life skills/education classes
Peaceful Oasis Emergency Shelter - victims of domestic violence & sexual assault. Boys <10 yrs, girls <18. 1 month stay. Services: counseling, legal services, case management, financial assistance, transitional housing, legal aid, advocacy & court accompaniment, parenting education