INNvesting in the Future

As we celebrate our 40th anniversary and prepare for the next 40 years and beyond, we must ensure the impact of The Samaritan Inn’s work will endure and resources will always be available to meet the needs of future generations.


The Samaritan Inn is developing a comprehensive strategic plan to ensure that we meet the needs of our growing and changing community in years to come. Services such as outreach, diversion, a capital campaign, supported housing, and affordable housing expansion are just a few areas of focus in the next few years for The Inn.


The Samaritan Inn Foundation was established with the sole purpose of supporting The Inn’s programs and activities with long-term resources. Through both outright and planned gifts, Foundation gifts are invested with provisions for disbursements as perpetual support for the mission – serving as a beacon of help, hope and healing for the homeless here in Collin County and North Texas.

Designated outright gifts to The Samaritan Inn Foundation are a powerful legacy that enables the organization to securely and strategically provide and expand its critical services. 

Gifts included in wills and living trusts are popular because they are flexible, easy to arrange and may be changed with your life circumstances. Financial and property gifts may be made through a will or trust. 

The Foundation accepts other non-cash donations. You can name The Samaritan Inn as a beneficiary of an IRA, Retirement Plan, Insurance Policy, or Bank Account. You may also donate real estate, oil and gas interest or other property. 

Ready to get started?

Email Kellie Maynard, Chief Development Officer at

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